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- End of Term Celebrations ....
- News from 5/6
- News from Kindergarten
- News from Prep/1
- Explore Sea Country Excursions
- From the Office
- School Hats
- Dates to Remember
- Term Dates for 2024
- Class Awards
- Launching into Learning News
- 24 Carrot Garden Program
- Rabbit Infestation on School Grounds
- Positive Detective
- Kindergarten 2025
- Move Well Eat Well
- Community News
Welcome to our latest newsletter for term 3.
As we enter the last week of Term 3, it has been wonderful to reflect on and celebrate a solid term of learning! We were able to share this as a whole school through our assembly last Friday. We had children sharing their learning on words, parts of words and their meanings through our explicit reading program, learning around data in mathematics and how families celebrate significant events in their lives, not forgetting to mention our students who will be entering a Japanese Public speaking competition as a culmination of their learning in Japanese throughout the first part of the year. We wish Rahni, Ashia, Mesandi and Matilda the best of luck and acknowledge their courage to participate in this event.
Thank you…
A big thankyou to all families who came along or connected to teachers over the phone over the past week to collaborate in our Learning Conversations. These conversations seek to celebrate learning, identify areas to focus for the remainder of the year and share Evidence of Learning work samples which give a snapshot of your child’s learning throughout the term. Thank you to teachers and other staff who were involved in preparing for the meetings.
Thank you also to our families who participated in the School Satisfaction Survey. We were very close to reaching our goal and tripled the amount of families who participated in last year’s survey. This survey will give us data about areas that we are doing well, and what we can improve to support children and families here at Goodwood Primary School. I look forward to sharing the survey with our School Association and families when the results are made available.
Whole School lunch and LiFT event
We were delighted to share our Whole School Lunch today with students, staff and our school community. A big thank you to Hugo Luttmer, Laura Stops and all their helpers for a wonderful lunch.
Following our lunch, classes were opened up for some fun LIFT activities with families and children to participate in.
As this is the final newsletter for Term 3, we wish all families a safe and fun two weeks break. School will re-commence on Monday 14th October for Term 4.
Jaime Allen
In 5/6, to work towards showing our school value of Responsibility we have began writing learning goals for ourselves. We have a literacy, math and overall school goal which we will keep on our desks to keep ourselves accountable for our actions and learning at school. We will work on these goals for the rest of this term and give ourselves a rating out of 10 of how well we think we achieved them. Here are some examples of the goals we have written for ourselves.
Sea Country Excursion
We thoroughly enjoyed our Sea Country excursion on Thursday the 19th of September! We walked the length of Blackmans Bay Beach, stopping for shelter at the park for a minor sun shower before continuing our adventure!
We found some great collections of shells; some of us made patterns in the sand, some of us even made the first letter of our name! We talked about how we can acknowledge all Tasmanian Aboriginal people and recognise their continuing interconnections between country, culture, identity and community. Our excursion on this day was about experiencing, understanding and respecting Sea Country.
While on the beach we were respectful of leaving what we found, where it belongs so we didn’t bring any of our treasures home with us but we have many photos to share and talk about our experiences.
Unfortunately the weather turned on our way to the park so we didn’t get to play! But we still had the best time exploring together outside our classroom environment!
EYLF outcome 2: children are connected with and contribute to their world, 2.4 children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.
Sense of Identity
In kinder we read the story “All the ways to be smart” by Davina Bell. This story celebrates the unique qualities that each of us have and the different things that make us special in our own way. We drew a self portrait and then discussed what we think makes us special and unique.
Learning outcome 1: children have a strong sense of identity.
KDC; critical marker 3: draws a person with a head (including 2 or 3 facial features) arms and legs.
Prep/1 have been working very hard with their literacy this term. Students have developed their sound and word knowledge through literacy games and activities each day. Everyone should be very proud of their growth and achievements.
Explore Sea Country Excursions
On Thursday the 19th of September, the early childhood classes, Kinder, Prep/1 and 1/2 , adventured down to Blackmans Bay beach to Explore our Sea Country. Students had the opportunity to experience, understand and respect Aboriginal People and their connection to Sea Country. Students also gained a better understanding of the continuous practice of shell necklace making. Students collected their favourite shells to remember this adventure by.
Levies 2024
A reminder that school levies are now overdue and payable at the school office. Flexible payment arrangements for families may be organised with the School Business Manager if required.
Levies can be paid using the following options:
- At the school (by EFTPOS, cash or cheque)
- At Service Tasmania (by EFTPOS, cash or cheque)
- Through BPAY (using the Biller Code and Reference on your invoice)
- By mail, forward your cheque, money order or credit card details to the school, with the payment slip from your invoice attached (payable to the Department for Education, Children & Young People).
- Using Centrepay, a service provided by Centrelink.
Families who are supported through the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) do not need to pay levies. Applications for the Student Assistance Scheme may be made online, or paper forms can be provided at the school office.
Late arrivals
If your child arrives at school after 8:50am unaccompanied by a parent/guardian, the office will be marking attendance as unexplained other. The procedure for late arrivals will be as is for unexplained absences in that office staff will be calling the parent/guardian to clarify the reason the student was late arriving to school.
A reminder that if your child is absent from school for any reason that you notify the school office by 9:30 am of that day. You can either contact the school office on 6272 9100 or email
Did you know if your child has 10 days off school per year, that by Grade 4 they are 1 year behind?
The best thing for your child's future is to come to school every day.
Student Medication
Please advise office staff and your child’s class teacher if your child needs to take medication during school hours so arrangements can be made for the medication to be administered.
It is a Department of Education requirement that the following forms must be completed and signed before the commencement of dispensing medication to students: ‘Administration of Routine Medication Authorisation Form for Parent/ Guardian’; and ‘Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation Form for Doctors’. The administration of medication to students is undertaken by Admin staff who will ensure it is taken correctly, details (e.g. date, time, dose etc) entered on the student’s personal medication sheet, and signed by a staff member and witness.
Medication is kept locked in the school safe or safe room. Students should not have any types of medication in their school bags.
Please remember that school hats are required to be worn now and in Term 4.
Hats can be purchased from the school office for $9.00.
(Don't forget to put your child's name on it)
Date |
Event |
Friday 27 September |
End of Term 3 |
Thursday 24 October |
Show Day Public Holiday |
Friday 25 October |
Student Free Day |
Term 3 | Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September |
Term 4 | Monday 14 October to Thursday 19 December |
Congratulations to the following students who received Class Awards at the Assembly held last term on Friday 13 September 2024:-
Class | Student | Reason for Award |
Prep/1 | Ruby | For showing Courage within her school work. Ruby strives to achieve her best in literacy pushing herself to have a go at writing and reading unknown words. Amazing effort Ruby, keep it up! |
Prep/1 | Prinsha | For being a positive role model within our classroom, demonstrating our school values of 'We Care', and 'We Learn', Prinisha strives to achieve her best in all learning. She has demonstrated the use of her growth mindset when faced with unknown words in reading and spelling. Keep up the great work Prinsha! |
1/2 | Ronan | For the continued confidence you show in yourself and positive attitude towards your learning. You are a great role model. |
1/2 | Luca | For your positive attitude towards your learning. You are always interested in learning new things and sharing that knowledge with classmates. |
1/2 | Blayze | For showing the value of Respect by helping to pack up the gear in the playground without being asked. |
1/2 | Harper | For showing the school value of Respect for always putting a top effort into her work. |
2/3 | Kyla | For showing the value of Growth. Kyla has demonstrated significant growth with her communication skills. She has also progressed with her patience when working and playing with other students, her overall learning, and ability to remain focused on her learning tasks. Keep up the great work Kyla! |
2/3 | Ethan | For showing the school values of Growth and Responsibility. Ethan has shown significant growth with his phonics and reading. He has also demonstrated that he can be a responsible student while working hard to ensure that he completes all of his required learning tasks. Well done Ethan! |
4/5 | Kali | For showing the school values of Courage and Responsibility for having a positive attitude towards tricky learning tasks. Keep up the hard work Kali! |
4/5 | Ruby C | For showing the school value of Responsibility when completing her work. Ruby gets into a learning task promptly and ensures she always puts in 100% effort. Well done Ruby! |
5/6 | Tasman | For showing the school value of Courage and Growth. Tasman consistently tries his hardest in all learning tasks and is working hard to understand and use new vocabulary. Keep up the hard work Tasman! |
5/6 | Matilda | For showing the school value of Responsibility. Matilda manages her time in class to ensure that she completes all learning tasks, she is organised and has her work ready and stays focused when learning new concepts. You are a fantastic role model Matilda, keep up the hard work! |
Principal Award | Rahni | Rahni has been consistently showing all values across all areas of our school. In particular she has been Courageous by becoming a leader in our school, showing initiative and helping out particularly with our younger students. |
Principal Award | Han | Has has been consistently showing our school values, particularly in the classroom and with her learning. She has displayed both Courage and Growth by tackling hard learning tasks with a 'can do' attitude. |
If you would like to follow our progress in the garden, please scan the QR code below to check out our photos on Goodwood Primary Kitchen Garden Instagram page.
Rabbit Infestation on School Grounds
We wish to inform our school and broader community that we are having quite significant damage caused by the rabbit's infestation throughout our school grounds.
Can all visitors to our school site to be advised to watch for uneven surfaces and holes.
We are working with DECYP Facilities for advice to find a solution.
At our Meet and Greet Assemblies we celebrate the students who have been caught following our Goodwood Primary School Values. If an adult or student observes someone doing something that is Safe, Caring or shows that they are Learning they fill out a Positive Detective slip. The student is shown the slip as immediate feedback and positive reinforcement. The slip is then placed into a big bucket and we draw names out of the bucket like a raffle and then whoever gets drawn out wins a small prize.
Some of our recent Positive Detective Winners!
- Harper - for displaying the value of We Learn by working hard with her spelling.
- Zara - for displaying the value of We Care by going out of her way to help a younger student.
- Mesandi - for displaying the value of We Learn and We Care by helping other students to understand a new maths concept.
- Jake - for displaying the value of We Learn by trying hard to understand a new concept in maths.
- Lilah - for displaying the value of We Care.
- Ava G - for displaying the value of We Learn for coming in ready to learn.
- Elijah - for displaying the value of We Learn for doing an awesome job with his literacy program.
- Ruby B - for displaying the value of We Learn by working very hard with fraction work.
- Tobi - for displaying the value of We Learn for having a great go at his handwriting.
- Ava - for displaying the value of We Care by tidying up after other people.
Enrolments are now being accepted for students commencing in Kindergarten in 2025. If you have a child that was born in 2020 who will be commencing at Goodwood Primary next year, please collect an enrolment form from the office.
AFL Tasmania are excited to be running an afterschool Auskick and Superkick Program during term 4 in the Glenorchy Area. The program will be run at Glenorchy Primary School. We encourage and welcome all students from surrounding areas to join in on the opportunity!
Our programs focus on developing footy and general life skills in a fun, engaging, and inclusive environment!
Please find below a flyer which provides:
- Information about our programs
- Start dates and times
- A QR for registration